Thursday, September 26, 2013

In English 302 we read Gregory Corso's poem 'I Met This Guy Who Died' and created mimics of them in class. Our professor called on us randomly to read our versions outloud. I made the classic mistake of making eye contact and didn't look down quick enough. But, luckily, it was enjoyed by the class and prof!
Here is the the original poem as well my mimic.
I  MET THIS GUY WHO DIED by Gregory Corso

We caroused
                Did the bars
                                Became fast friends
He wanted me to tell him
                What poetry was
                                I told him
Happy tipsy one night
I took him home to see my newborn child
A great sorrow came over him
“O Gregory” he moaned
                “you brought up something to die”


We sat in the pews.
Silence hung between us.
I wanted him to
tell me what to do.
But he just sat there, head bowed,
ropes hanging off him
like clothes on a line.
Then, somberly, he said,
“Sometimes, you just
 got to give up”

Love from Pullman,

The Blonde and The Bullshit

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