1. Write 5-10 words you don't like and use them in a poem.
2. Write a ten line poem where each line is a lie.
3. Write a poem, that uses overheard conversation
as a starting point.
2 4. Write a poem in the form of a personal ad.
I I decided to do the second one and here it is:
I brushed my teeth tonight.
I even checked under the bed
For monsters, all by myself.
There was just one under there.
He was maroon and hairy and a little lonely.
I invited him up for
hot cocoa,
He was very honored but he declined.
He asked me if I could do him one favor.
He asked me to turn on the night light,
For you see, he said, monsters are most afraid of the dark.
Love from Pullman,
The Blonde and the Bullshit
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