Friday, October 12, 2012

Well I made it to day two! That's got to be something right? So here's a poem I wrote last year and it's my favorite. 


We loved the moon like a sweet, sad lullaby
And the moon awoke and nudged the sleeping stars.
Brilliant light descended from her rays.
I hugged the rough, scarred bark, tilting my head back to the sky.
The gentle wind whispered in my ear,
While the thick pine scent tickled my nose;
Tasting like Christmas on my tongue.
The first droplet of rain nestled into my skin like my hand cupping my chin.
And I remember Trish Elliot standing under this tree in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
It was a different tree than the one I was under, but it sure felt the like hers.
We danced past the window and I spun
Across the hardwood floor, spinning
Dreams and wishes for tomorrow.
And the music was bitchin' and his toes were tapping.
The bass was beating the floor and the chandelier was quivering.
"One of these mornings, you're gonna rise up singing," hummed against the glass panes.
The heavy air was masked by the luscious melody.
We sang with the lyrics, voice as silky as a bull frog’s croak.
Our steps were perfectly in unison, my feet were yours and yours were mine.
Annie twisted her hips as she riffled through records.
We will stay there, trying to dance the pain away and close the shades on the terror outside.
Our smiles slipped through the crack under the door and hopped the last step.
Annie's record was placed on the player, beginning to sing before the needle touched.
Nous avons ri et nous avons pleure et nous a vole la lune a domicile.
But we danced until the moon cried and we sang until we fell in love
And the moon fell asleep.
That was the summer we loved the moon.

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