Thursday, October 11, 2012

So after sharing a couple of my stories and poems with the girls and after drinking more caffeine than then the human heart can handle the idea came up that I should start a blog. 
So starting things off with a bang, I'll go with a story. A slight warning: some of them are a little unnerving so if murder mysteries, unrealistic situations and amazing fashion aren't your thing, stop reading here.

The Devil’s Crown

The shattered glass, swallowed by the night, seems to have drowned,
Encircling the remains like the devil’s crown.

The burned tires still send smoke into the air,
Even when no one remains to care.

The beaten in door hangs by its singed hinges,
Wincing in the wind; a sound that should make me cringe.

The cloth bag, once full of air,
Now hangs limp against my skin, raw and bare.

The dark streak that stains the street black,
Gives warning to other travelers that the night is ready to attack.

The headlamp still shines on,
Hallowing out the evening air, fragile as chiffon.

The silence is my greatest fear,
As it echoes in my ears.

Rivulets of red make a stream down my neck,
As I hold tight to my heart and hope to protect.

My helpless fingers peck at the window,
Like some freakish crow.

A burning, acrid smell hits my nose, 
It is my constant; keeps me close to my woes.

The tail light is hanging by a thin stripped piece of wire,
Tapping against the bumper like a twisted metronome, ticking for a choir.

The siren bites into the air, the silence torn,
The juices stream into my ear, like blood on a thorn.

People scatter, swallowed by the night, they seem to have drowned,
Encircling my remains like the devil’s crown.

Maybe someone will follow that how this works? Stick with me, I'm new at this. That's why I'm in college.

Love from Pullman,

The Blonde and the Bullshit

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