Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Second Semester began last week and I have had a few poetry assignments but I have not had time to update until now. I am in a poetry class this semester so the only prose writing will be done on my own time. We have had three poems assigned but they have no common theme. To keep them separate I am going to put the other two in their own blog posts. 

This first one was assigned in the first class. The prompt was to write about the most exciting thing you did over break and I chose to write about the STRFKR concert my friends and I saw.


Pink wool blankets,
Sad-eyed-stuffed-carnival toys
cramp me in childhood.
Get out, night out.
Look up and stare blindly at
stars knit in purple clouds.
Sweat and whiskey tickle my tongue
as we step into the venue;
all black walls, all black floors.
The bass bounces heart against chest,
like the strobe light pulling at my pupils.
Taste the sanctuary
as we find another home
preaching someone else's happy.

Love from Pullman,

The Blonde and The Bullshit 

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